Are People Paying You for What You Do or How You Think?
4 Tips for earning what you’re worth!
Pablo Picasso was once sitting at an Italian Café when a fan spotted him. The lady came to him and said, “You’re Pablo Picasso!” “Yes.” Replied Picasso. She then asked, as she handed him a napkin, “Can you draw something for me?” “Sure,” he said and proceeded to do a sketch on the napkin. Then he said, “That’ll be $50,000.” “$50,000?!? But it only took you 15 seconds!” To which Picasso replied, “You’re not paying me for the 15 seconds it took me to draw it, you’re paying me for the 25 years it took me to learn it.” How one thinks has value.
However, it’s amazing how many believe entry-level fees are the barometer for a seasoned professional. Can a novice deliver the same impact, dynamic and results? In other words, what’s the value of inexperience when it comes to your business?
Skill is an individual thing. How one sees reality is what makes his or her perspective unique and valuable. Ever notice how two people can see the same event and describe it differently? It’s not just what they saw, but how their past interprets the information being processed.
Many people can do “something,” but how one thinks determines the perspective used and the results attained. Now the question is, what are results worth? You see, you’re not very different from your public. Therefore, if you understand what results are worth, they do too; therefore, make sure you don’t cave when a miser pushes.
Four Tips for Creating the Right Expectations
How you promote and brand yourself decides what people will expect and accept. Here are four tips to help you earn the most for your service.
Be a Reader: You need to know
Most people think they need to be well versed only in their chosen career. The problem with that is your clients don’t come from your industry – they come from various fields.
I make it a point to know history, economics, politics, business, a little law, art and culture, technology, publishing and other topics that would allow me to wrap my mind around the messaging of my client. You see, if you don’t understand the needs of your client’s demographic, you will come across as inexperienced and cast doubt in the value you bring to the table. But if you can speak with confidence and certainty about their needs, it will remove obstacles and objections.
Study Your Client
You not only need to know about their demographic, but about them. Before I connect with a client, I read their website, Google their industry, checkout their social media and have them fill out a questionnaire on my website ( , so when I speak with them, I’m not wasting their time and come across effectively.
Moreover, my questionnaire sets the stage for the value I bring to the table. You see, the questions make my prospect think, realize what he or she does NOT know and areas they might have missed in their planning. Then it not only sends me the questionnaire with their contact information, but it sends them a copy, so they have it when we speak. The result is a grateful prospect.
Third-Party Credibility: Testimonials
Too many people couldn’t be bothered to ask clients for testimonials. That is a formula for failure! Why? No one likes a blowhard; but they listen to what others think. Testimonials showcase the satisfaction they can expect from hiring you.
When you ask for testimonials, ask for a picture of the client. A smiling photo depicts a happy client and puts a face to a name – and it’s subliminal. In other words, it subconsciously tells them they TOO will be happy. If it’s a company, use their logo. It’s sad to say, but many disregard testimonials without a name, photo or logo, because they think the brand made them up.
Finally, use a full name; First names with an initial for the last name and location, and anonymous testimonials look concocted. For example, Susie R. – Florida can be anyone or no one; hence it has no value.
Your Website
Finally, you can do all the above correctly, but your website can sabotage you! How so? If your website is not the best it can be, you water down your message, value and expectations.
You are not competing online with just other companies in your chosen field; you’re competing with everyone marketing online and on smartphones. There are only so many hours in a day, so why should someone chose your website and blog over someone else’s? You must make it:
- Fun! The user experience is the MOST crucial.
- Informative without being overbearing. Hide information in plain view!
- It must provide information that your public can use if they chose NOT to hire you.
Remember, people don’t remember what you say (or write); they remember how you make them feel. You need to make the experience so good they remember how pleasing and helpful your website was. This will not only make them want to subscribe to something (and eventually buy), but also refer you.
The bottom line is if your website is well done, it provides the necessary information, it helps them to solve a problem and has testimonials showing you’ve helped others as well, the expectation is you are a valuable service and worth more. You can do this SO WELL that the perception is you are worth more than you charge, removing the sticker shock and almost guaranteeing a sale.
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I just love this, Eddie. I’ve had this discussion a lot, with folks wanting to get into my field (book editing). I’m expensive. But as you say (and Picasso too!), my clients pay not only for my time, but for my expertise–honed over 25 years. That’s what makes all the difference.
Thank you Susan! I totally agree. People want results, but only the business savvy realize it costs a premium. It supports that stat that approximately 90% of all new businesses fail in 5 years or fewer years; because they are making decisions based on price and not on what would be beneficial.