Student’s Resources Area
T oday, college students face so many challenges to succeed. With a moderate economy, government regulations putting more strain on corporate budgets that mean fewer hires, a digital lifestyle making it difficult to separate one’s personal and professional life, and more students (45% to be exact) moving back home, because of the lack of opportunity—for the first time in American history, a college education’s value is being questioned.
While it’s hard to argue that an education adds value, not all degrees are worth it. Read, What You Learn Will Decide What You Earn. However, due to one of the very obstacles that has removed many students as serious contenders for a job with a solid company (social media), it provides the opportunity for a determined student to either:
- Promote oneself for a good job with a great company,
- Or, promote oneself for starting a consulting business and be their own boss.
Whichever your goal is, this page was created to provide you with good content that will help you to:
- Get a unique, real-world perspective not taught in school on marketing, branding and positioning.
- Provide tips and how-to’s so you can build your marketing machine, step-by-step.
- Provide education that will allow you to impress any interviewee with your in-depth knowledge of how online (and offline) marketing actually works.
- Allow you to learn how to create the most powerful infrastructure to leverage your positioning for success.
Recommended Reading
Below you will find some articles to help you get started. I recommend you read them all in order.
Don’t Know What to Blog? 4 Tips to Write Blogs that Pull
You Know You Need to Blog, But You Don’t Know How
If a Picture’s Worth 1,000 Words, What Picture Would Your Blog Paint?
Don’t Pour the Whole Bucket of Water: A Drop at a Time will give You Better Results
Recommended Listening for Network Marketers
Below you will find some podcasts of old training classes to help you get started successfully. I recommend you listen to them in order.
These training courses were done for a specific company, so as you listen, disregard the company or product mentioned and replace with your company’s products and specifics.
Getting Started Training Click to listen.
The 11 Mistakes New Networkers Make Click to listen.
After you’ve done your recommended reading, see how much of it stuck. After all, an education is NOT what you’ve learned; it’s what you’ve remembered!