apathetic about blogging

Stop Sabotaging Yourself by Not Blogging

Somethings you may not have known

Blogging is essential in today’s world. Many people tell me they don’t have time or they don’t bother with all that stuff – they like to keep things simple. Well, keeping things simple will also keep one’s career or business simple, impressing few people and working twice as hard to try and get ahead. Don’t think so? Here are a few facts you should be aware of:

social media background checkSocial Media Background Checks Supersede Résumés

The résumé has been replaced by social-media background checks. So much so, huge reputable companies like IntelliCorp and CorraGroup offer this service to corporations and organizations as a means of vetting candidates before scheduling an interview. What does this mean for you?

The Cons

  • Everything you’ve ever put online will be discovered. If you’ve shared some pretty dumb stuff from your high-school and college years, it can kill your chances at good employment. Read: So You’re Graduating from College – Now What? Part 1. You will want to clean this up before applying anywhere.

The Pros

  • You have an opportunity to show the value you bring to the table.
  • You don’t have to name drop; if you’re connected with influencers, they will see it.
  • You can position yourself as a thought leader, which increases your worth to a company.

Therefore, if you’ve not been setting a foundation that will be your ever-evolving online résumé, it’s time to get started.

There are many reasons to start a blog

The first thing you need to decide is WHY you want to blog. What are your goals? This is important, because while there’s some overlap, there are also some differences. Some reasons include:

  • You’re a student setting a foundation getting a university’s attention, or for starting a business or career after college.
  • You want to position yourself as a thought leader to advance your existing career.
  • You have a business to promote.

Let’s look at each one separately.

Student in College or High School

college studentMany think starting in High School is too early. However, did you know colleges are also doing social-media background checks? Read: Colleges are Considering Using Social-Media Background Checks in Admissions.

Having your own website and blog while in high school, and continuing into college, sets you apart. It shows you are a thinker and leader, have ambition and are able to communicate. In this stage of the game, you want to blog about your interests.

  • What clubs do you belong to?
  • What sports do you play?
  • Is there anything particular you are passionate about: music, computers, multi-cultural activities?

Share your skills and unique perspective. Do not parrot what others have said; share what you really think – professionally and without arrogance.

As you move on to the university, you will be guided by what you’ve chosen to study. If you’re a business major, write about how something could be done better. If you were the boss, based on the last class you took, what would you change and why? Never forget the why! You see, this shows a leader’s mentality, chronicles how you critically think and gives voice to your deductions. Now, someone may not agree with your assertions, but they will respect that you are able and willing to do what most people won’t bother doing. When your social-media background check is conducted, prospective employers will see someone who can add value to their company or university.

Advancing Your Career

Today’s business climate is very volatile. With work visas being abused, college graduates able to do the latest and greatest for one-third the salary, and regulations forcing companies to downsize because they can’t afford the increase in taxes or mandatory entitlements – there’s no security. So how do you give yourself options and provide a cushion of insurance? You become a thought leader!

my blogA thought leader is someone who lets the world know how they think and what they know. That’s it! Ever work with someone who was SO BRILLIANT, but no one really knew it? Now imagine if this person took the time to develop a professional website and blogged. Do you think others on LinkedIn, Twitter, Google+ or Facebook may agree he’s or she’s brilliant? And, maybe, do you think a business owner or HR manager might be interested in hiring him or her, if they needed that talent? OF COURSE!

Here are two possible scenarios:


You are in the market for a job and you’ve presented your best résumé with your blog and online presence; therefore, you have a great opportunity of becoming employed.

Currently Employed

You have a job. You introduced yourself to a new circle of professionals, due to your blog and social-media activity. Someone notices your abilities and either:

  • Makes you a job offer
  • Wants to hire you as a consultant

Since you already have a job, any company trying to lure you knows they have to offer you more than you currently earn. You now have options!

Once you’ve laid the groundwork, you will always have it. You will just add more to it, and the bigger and more prolific it becomes, the more valuable in the business world YOU become.

businessmanPromoting Your Business

This is what most people already hear about. “You must promote your business through content marketing!” While everyone knows this, often they don’t know all the benefits a blog offers a business.

  • It helps with SEO (search engine optimization).
  • It drives traffic from social media and search engines.
  • It builds your credibility.
  • It helps to establish trust.
  • It positions you as a thought leader.
  • It becomes a great referral mechanism.
  • It gives you an instant, mobile-marketing delivery system through the smartphone and tablet eco-system.

Any two or three of the above is sufficient reason for blogging; however, when you add all seven, the benefits are overwhelming. Read Blogging is the New SEO.

So stop putting it off. Start putting fingers to keyboard and creating a weekly article. Consider it an investment in yourself and your business. If you do so, you will reap greater returns with each passing article.

Stay tuned next week for a new three-part series on tips for making your blog successful, avoiding costly and timely mistakes, and helping figure out what to write about.

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